Board matchmaking
Our purpose is to provide competence by enabling access to qualified board candidate options. The database has been built up based on recommendations since 2017 and currently has about 650 female board candidates. The initiative is nonprofit and all proceeds are invested in operations.

About Styrelisten
Styrelisten is a leading supplier of female board candidates. Our mission is to match companies with potential board candidates based on competence.
Our customers include foundations as well as listed and unlisted companies.
We collaborate with recruitment and advisory firms, interest organizations, and various industry networks that share our mission.
Styrelisten was founded with a vision to make qualified, female board candidates available. The initiative was started on a voluntary basis by lawyers Elin Mack Løvdal, Marianne Sagerup and Anne Lise Gryte in 2017 with the support of Birger Steen.
For the past 7 years, we have matched Norwegian companies with highly qualified women for board positions in various companies. Since its inception, 304 Styrelisten candidates have been put forward to 165 different boards. We have also had relationship-building events and skills development for our candidates through our annual StyreMøtet and mentor program.
The demand for female board members is expected to increase in Norway as a result of the government's requirements for gender balance in medium-sized and large companies, and the companies' increased focus on sustainability and diversity. We are therefore adapting to the market to create the offerings and arenas that we see both candidates and companies are looking for. Styrelisten is therefore being relaunched in the fall of 2023


Most board positions are not publicly advertised. Internationally, it is reported that 96% of all board positions are recruited through existing networks. This means that a number of highly qualified candidates are not considered. At the same time, we see that owners are increasingly demanding professionalism and relevant competence in the boardroom.
We started Styrelisten in 2017 to complement the traditional way of board recruitment by making board candidates available based on competence and not relationships. The database is built up based on recommendations where competence, experience and relevant contribution to the boardroom have been key criteria. By making available qualified, female candidates, the companies we assist have the opportunity to consider a wider range of candidates than they have available through their existing networks.